- 拼音náo
- 注音ㄋㄠˊ
- 部首山
- 總筆畫6畫
- 部外筆畫3畫
- 結(jié)構(gòu)上下結(jié)構(gòu)
- 筆順編碼511252
- 筆順順序/
- 五筆vmj
- 倉頡nmmu
- 鄭碼xbll
- 四角17772
英語 the appearance of the mountain is flat and smooth, (corrupted form of 峱) name of a mountain in Shandong province
英語 the appearance of the mountain is flat and smooth, (corrupted form of 峱) name of a mountain in Shandong province
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